Fiat 500

Can you even claim to be an Italian car specialist without having owned a Fiat 500? The iconic little city-car has almost single-handedly propped up Fiat’s efforts for pretty much half a century now, and it could rightfully claim to be one of the most important vehicles ever designed.

Obviously, we love the 500 in all its forms and have bought and sold countless examples from throughout its varied family tree. From the original classic 500 whose image adorns every schmaltzy tourist image of Italy, to the under-appreciated (not by us!) 1990’s Cinquecento and onto today’s current model. We love them all.

FIat 500 (Classic)

The original grandfather of them all, the Fiat 500 has to rank as one of the most recognisable classic cars ever built. We sold this restored 500F around 2014/2015 but, sadly, can find no photos of it other than the ones with us proudly gurning inside it. It was a genuine right-hand-drive car that had, amazingly, never left Norfolk from the day it was sold brand new. A stunning little gem that you just couldn’t help but smile at (see embarrassing photo evidence above).

Fiat Cinquecento

Not quite revered as exaltantly as its predecessor, the 90’s Cinquecento is in our opinion just as important a car as the original 500. A whole generation of drivers must have experienced these as a first car and, as anyone who’s ever driven a Sporting can attest, the basic thrills of all Italian cars are present and correct. Inexpensive, cute styling, well grounded chassis and superb little engines. We could wax lyrical about Cinq’s all day long (and often do) and, honestly, the low mileage Imola Blue Sporting in the pictures above has to be one of our all time favourite cars.

Fiat 500 (Modern)

Oddly enough, we’ve not actually had that many new 500’s in stock - but that’s not to say that we don’t rate them. Far from it, in fact. Continuing the spirit of the small, yet fun, city-car perfectly, we’re sure that our list of newer 500s will continue to expand.